许国璋高研院学术讲堂第十五讲 Supporting Student Writing in Science: A Genre-Based Approach

作者: 时间:2017-10-12 点击数:


Supporting Student Writing in Science: A Genre-Based Approach






内容介绍:Writing is central to both the conception of modern science and the social practices of scientists. Many students face challenges in learning to write scientifically, however, requiring support in developing the language resources for making meaning in genre-specific and register-appropriate ways. This talk describes how a SFL-informed, Sydney-based genre pedagogy was recontextualized and enacted to support student writing in a science unit aimed at developing students’ understanding of the nature of science. It illustrates how teachers can promote language and literacy development at the same time they engage students in disciplinary learning.

讲座人简介:方志辉,普渡大学博士,现任美国公立常春藤佛罗里达大学教育学院正教授、博导、语言和读写教育专业负责人。主要研究方向: 语言和读写教育、英语教师教育、功能语言学。共发表百余篇论文及著作。先后在本专业及相关专业的20多种国内外著名刊物上担任专栏主编、编委、及特约审稿员。曾获普渡大学教育学院杰出博士论文奖、美国英语教师协会科研新星奖、佛罗里达大学年度优秀教师奖、佛罗里达大学科研基金会教授奖、及佛罗里达大学杰出教授奖。主持和参加过美国教育部、美国国家科学基金会、中国教育部人文社科基金、佛罗里达州教育厅、行业协会及私人基金会等机构资助的多项科研及师资培训项目。多次应邀到国内外著名高校讲学。

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