许国璋高研院学术讲堂第十六讲 Narrative, Discourse, and the Interplay between the Personal and the Public

作者: 时间:2017-10-13 点击数:



Narrative, Discourse, and the Interplay between the Personal and the Public

主讲人:Mona Baker, Emeritus Professor of Translation Studies

                 The University of Manchester, U.K

时间:2017年10月17日(周二)下午2:30 – 4:00




内容介绍:This presentation will explore some of the main differences between the concept of narrative and the concept of discourse. Acknowledging the diversity of definitions and interpretations of both concepts in the literature, I will nevertheless argue that however defined, narrative always has the advantage of paying attention to the kind of detail that appeals to our common humanity and therefore opens up a space for empathy and for resistance. This attention to the personal makes narrative theory particularly attractive to scholars interested in investigating questions of power and resistance in translation. Examples will be offered to demonstrate some of the ways in which the personal and the public have been shown to intertwine in research on translation and interpreting that has drawn on narrative theory, and some of the ways in which the interplay between them can be investigated further in future research.

讲座人简介:Baker教授是享誉世界的当代翻译理论家,翻译研究出版人和教育家。她曾任英国曼彻斯特大学翻译与跨文化研究中心主任、国际翻译与跨文化研究学会(IATIS)副会长。其学术研究领域广泛,主要包括冲突情境下的翻译角色和语料库翻译研究。其研究成果丰硕,代表性学术成果包括In Other WordsA Coursebook on TranslationTranslation and Conflict: a Narrative AccountRoutledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies。她创办并主编的国际顶尖的翻译研究学术期刊The Translator在2017年翻译类国际学术期刊影响因子排名中位列第一。此外,她于1995年创办了St.Jerome Publishing,这是一家专门出版翻译研究学术成果的出版社,目前已出版百余种翻译研究专著。

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